Cherbourg offshore hub on track

France’s Port of Cherbourg is on track to complete a 100-hectare offshore wind and marine energy industrial and logistics hub by the end of next year, according to managing body Ports of Normandy Authority.

In addition to the 44-hectare area of port land already available alongside a new heavy-load quay completed in spring 2015, 39 hectares of port land has been under construction since March.

A further 17-hectare business area is also under development.

New access roads and railway lines for the €100m project are due to be completed by the end of the year, said Ports of Normandy Authority.

The Eolien Maritime France consortium, which comprises EDF Energies Nouvelles, Dong and WPD Offshore, has chosen Cherbourg for its assembly hub for the Courseulles and Fécamp offshore wind farms.

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