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Energy Institute to provide first ESOS lead assessors

The Environment Agency has certified members of the energy professionals’ body, the Energy Institute (EI), to conduct audits for companies looking to comply with the Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme (ESOS).

From 17 October, members of the EI’s Register of Professional Energy Consultants (RPEC) and the EI’s Chartered Energy Managers are eligible to conduct energy audits for the Government-mandated scheme which calls for mandatory energy audits in the UK.

— Edie explained: Energy Savings opportunity Scheme (ESOS) —

EI skills and capability director Sarah Beacock said: “The EI has been working with DECC on the development of ESOS since last year. We are pleased to see the skills, experience and competence of our members being recognised to help implement this new regulation.

“ESOS will help to identify areas of potential energy savings but it mustn’t end there. For the scheme to truly effect change, efficiency measures and initiatives identified within each organisation must be implemented.”


ESOS requires all companies with more than 250 employees or a turnover of more than €50m to produce detailed reports on their energy use and efficiency every four years. In order to comply with ESOS, businesses must produce their first environmental audit report by 5 December, 2015.

“Energy efficiency is a win-win scenario,” said RPEC Steering Group chair Neil Peacock.

“It can make a significant impact on the bottom line with surprisingly little management effort or investment. RPEC consultants have years of experience not only in auditing but in implementing the recommendations from audits. They are clearly best placed to advise those seeking to save energy and cut costs, whether your business uses energy in buildings, industry or transport.”

Read edie’s top ten tips for ESOS compliance.

Brad Allen


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