The Danish Energy Agency (DEA) has prequalified a total of seven companies and consortia to participate in the tender of Denmark’s largest offshore wind farm, the 600MW Kriegers Flak in the Baltic Sea.
The Danish Energy Agency said all but one of the bidders that had made the penultimate cut earlier this month are now in the running for the Baltic Sea project.
Local outfit Dong is facing competition from Scandinavian rivals Vattenfall and a joint venture of Statoil and Eon Denmark.
Danish company European Energy is working with Boralex on its bid :
“We have the highest number of prequalified tenderers ever in Danish wind history. I both hope and believe that the great competition for winning the Kriegers Flak tender will lead to the best possible price for the benefit of Danish electricity consumers”, said the Danish Minister for Energy, Utilities and Climate Lars Christian Lilleholt.
The DEA will implement the tender over the next year. The decision of the winner is expected to be published in December 2016.